I first became interested in nutrition support for diabetes when my father was diagnosed many years ago. It made me realise how relatively small changes improved his blood glucose levels. Since then I have helped others with diabetes and pre diabetes food choices.
Unless diagnosed with heart issues, most of us don't think about this underrated organ. I have supported those wanting to lose weight, especially tummy fat or stubborn baby weight gain post birth. Exercising is key but knowing the right foods to eat to lose weight and help your arteries is also fundamental.
Eating to improve our gut microbiome (intestinal good bacteria) is one of my favourite subjects. This is one of the most exciting areas of nutrition research at the moment. Considering more than 10% of us have IBS and many more women than men suffer, I am always happy to help clients who are struggling with these symptoms.
Although not classified as an illness, try telling that to the millions of women who suffer in silence for many years. I am regularly asked about perimenopause and menopause nutrition support to ease and alleviate the worst of symptoms as women tackle this marathon challenge.
There are so many pressures placed on us in life. Being a good cook for ourselves and our families is tough and bewildering. Most of what is cheapest in the supermarkets is the most processed and nutrient-poor. Having support to create tasty nutritious meals from scratch or helping you choose the best from supermarket and meal delivery companies is a topic I deal with a lot.
I have advised on how to eat for weight training and exercise regimes, support for cognitive decline and brain health as well as inflammatory illnesses such as arthritis. I have also advised on diets to prevent, support treatment of and the aftermath of cancer diagnoses. Keto, paleo, low sugar, low fat diets are very popular and I have helped personalise these to best effect. In all of the issues outlined on this page it is important to underline that I do not take the place of a medical doctor and my work is food advice-based.